L298N Motor Driver (Green)
This module integrates a built-in 5V power supply. When you drive voltage of 7V-35V can onboard 5V logic supply, do not input voltage when using onboard 5V power supply, the +5 V power supply interface, but leads to 5V voltage for external use
When ENA is HIGH, IN1 IN2 control OUT1 OUT2
When ENB is HIGH, IN3 IN4 control OUT3 OUT4
1: driving stepper motor
2: driving brushed DC motor
This module is based on L298N,high voltage,high current dual full bridge driver which can be used to drive a DC motor and stepper motor, relay coil inductive load; using standard logic level signal control; having two enable control end allow or prohibit the work has a logic device power supply input terminal, in the case regardless of the input signal affect the internal logic circuit portion to operate at a low voltage; can be an external sense resistor, the amount of change in feedback to the control circuit.
This module integrates a built-in 5V power supply. When you drive voltage of 7V-35V can onboard 5V logic supply, do not input voltage when using onboard 5V power supply, the +5 V power supply interface, but leads to 5V voltage for external use
When ENA is HIGH, IN1 IN2 control OUT1 OUT2
When ENB is HIGH, IN3 IN4 control OUT3 OUT4
1: driving stepper motor
2: driving brushed DC motor
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